What is ReadLer

Introducing ReadLer, your innovative digital speech assistant designed to enhance children's speech and pronunciation. Think of it as a personal tutor, therapist, or supportive parent, a buddy for children who is always available to offer detailed guidance on improving speech.

Here's how it works: Our advanced machine learning algorithm breaks down words into their smallest speech units, known as phonemes, and analyzes whether each phoneme is pronounced correctly. By focusing on the phoneme level, our AI can provide detailed feedback, like a tutor or parent would.

ReadLer goes beyond individual words, guiding users through the progression of sounds (phonemes), words, sentences, and entire texts. It employs speech therapy techniques, such as word practice and the strategic placement of consonants to gradually increase word difficulty.

To keep children engaged and motivated, ReadLer uses gamified elements that makes practice more fun. Meanwhile, our intuitive dashboard allows speech therapists and parents to monitor a child's growth. It also allows them to set tasks based on what the child needs to improve on.

Speech therapists

ReadLer is a useful tool for speech therapists, as it enables their clients to practice at home with the lesson materials. With ReadLer, therapists can monitor their clients' progress through detailed reports that show the client's practice frequency, progress, and common mistakes. These insights provide a comprehensive view of the client's strengths and areas for improvement, allowing therapists to tailor their lesson plans effectively. By using ReadLer, speech therapists can ensure more personalized and effective support for their clients.


Just as reading is essential for good interactions, so is pronouncing words correctly. ReadLer helps children improve their pronunciation of words at their reading level. It can be used in the classroom, allowing students to practice independently without the teacher's help. As 'flitsen' improves children's reading skills, ReadLer improves their pronunciation.


Many of the exercises provided by your child's speech therapist require your active participation. However, with ReadLer, your child can practice independently while you take some time for yourself. The child can work intuitively with the buddy/ReadLer, without needing any assitance. You can still monitor their progress through the detailed progress report.